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INELDA Articles

A Year-End Message From INELDA’s Executive Director

by Douglas Simpson

There are millions of people who don’t know or realize that they have access to choices at the end of life. —Douglas Simpson

As the year end approaches, I am drawn to reflect on the voices I have heard throughout 2023. As I begin my reflection, I am deeply moved by our core values and reminded how important they are not only to the organization, but also to me personally. One of our core values is the principle of evolving—that we will continue to acknowledge change and gain wisdom from that change. I am thankful for the growth that evolution allows and all that we accomplished in the last year. And like every organization, INELDA has been shaped by the individuals who have committed to expanding and implementing the teachings that we offer. I am grateful for shared lessons from those within our doula community, organizations we are members of, and others who have moved on to a new path. All of us at the organization, including myself, are more informed thanks to all of your input.

There are millions of people who don’t know or realize that they have access to choices at the end of life. —Douglas Simpson

As the year end approaches, I am drawn to reflect on the voices I have heard throughout 2023. As I begin my reflection, I am deeply moved by our core values and reminded how important they are not only to the organization, but also to me personally. One of our core values is the principle of evolving—that we will continue to acknowledge change and gain wisdom from that change. I am thankful for the growth that evolution allows and all that we accomplished in the last year. And like every organization, INELDA has been shaped by the individuals who have committed to expanding and implementing the teachings that we offer. I am grateful for shared lessons from those within our doula community, organizations we are members of, and others who have moved on to a new path. All of us at the organization, including myself, are more informed thanks to all of your input.

Three of our core values stand out as I look forward to the new year: accessible, community, and equitable. 

ACCESSIBLE: Strive toward representation and an open path for all

I heard from a lot of you this fall in our three-minute survey. Some of you responded that you had challenges finding hospices and care facilities to work within. We realize there are individuals and whole communities that could be supported with end-of-life doula training. We still hear that there aren’t enough people who know what an end-of-life doula does or how they or their loved ones can be supported by a doula. This was the first year we started listing volunteer opportunities around the United States from different care facilities in our newsletter. One of the ways INELDA hopes to address this in 2024 is by launching a dedicated directory that pairs doulas with volunteer opportunities. This is a beginning step that will allow those who are looking for a place to apply their doula training to offer services. 

COMMUNITY: Cultivate connected spaces that nurture trust, belonging, and safety

I am thankful for your involvement within the INELDA community. Reflecting on the fall survey again, I heard about the support you are offering. Seventy percent of respondents shared that they are currently working as an end-of-life doula. Fifty-seven percent of the respondents shared that they trained specifically to support their communities. Sixty-six people shared what types of communities they are working in, and we were excited to see a range of doula support to people living on low incomes (59%), those in BIPOC communities (40%), people living with a disability (40%), and within the LGBTQIA2S+ community (38%). I also heard that people needed more support before engaging as a doula. Starting this winter we will be offering member meet-ups in addition to the ongoing peer groups. This will allow for sharing community lessons, connecting doulas to one another, and highlighting tools and techniques that can foster your growth. We hope to see you at the first one this winter.

EQUITABLE: Recognize the differences in others’ needs and circumstances

We recognize the multiple communities that people belong to and the many connections and beliefs that they may hold. While many of us encounter people who are dying in traditional care facilities or have similar customs to the ones we carry, it is our vision to offer training and support to anyone who needs it. INELDA is committed to training individuals to serve the communities they identify with. One of the ways we do this is through our People Experiencing Homelessness Project. We are excited to announce we just received a grant from the McElhattan Foundation to develop an end-of-life curriculum to educate those who support people experiencing homelessness in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.


There are still so many more services that can be developed, and that’s why I am asking that each of you consider becoming a $5 monthly donor. I have set a goal of 500 monthly donors to meet our goals. With your donations, we will be able to address the needs of the dying with our increased programming. We have heard the ongoing voices of those we come in contact with saying, “I wish I had a doula for…”. It is in hearing these voices that I realize there is so much outreach that is still needed. 

For all of us working or living in the deathcare space, there are millions of people who don’t know or realize that they have access to choices at the end of life. They may never have heard of a death doula or even considered their own mortality. With your $5 monthly contribution we can continue to encourage the presence of end-of-life doulas who are sitting within their communities and providing accessible and equitable end-of-life care. Thank you for considering a year-end gift to INELDA. We are grateful for your support!