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 SUMMER 2024
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INELDA Newsletter - Notes for the Journey
Death Anniversaries: Cultural Commemorations From Around the World
Death Anniversaries: Cultural Commemorations From Around the World
by Autumn Whitefield-Madrano

When a loved one dies, certain details tend to become fixed in the minds of the mourners. One of those details: the date of death, which may be indelibly marked upon the loved ones of the deceased.

For proof of how important a previously banal calendar date can become, we can turn to the cultures around the world that have developed specific practices to note death anniversaries. In addition to broader commemorative celebrations such as Day of the Dead, widely celebrated throughout Latin America and increasingly in the United States as well, these culturally specific ways of marking anniversaries demonstrate how humans simultaneously grieve and accept the inevitable.

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doula Profile

Annie Valdes

Annie is a life and death coach. Through her company, Design Tugboat, Annie brings a human-centered design approach to her coaching. She specializes in helping individuals embrace new perspectives as they navigate life transitions and in making peace with death, no matter how much or how little life they have ahead. She also blends her design and innovation expertise with her coaching skills to help emerging doulas find their unique doula flavor in an offering called Doula Compass. She is based in Mountain View, California, and is a certified professional coactive coach and an INELDA-trained end-of-life doula.

Doula Profile - Annie Valdes
Q&A with Annie

When and why did you decide to become an end-of-life doula?

Death has always felt close at hand. My dad was diagnosed with a rare cancer the summer after I graduated from high school. He lived with his diagnosis for 23 years, so I was always aware of his looming mortality. In freshman year of college, a friend was hit by a car while horseback riding and subsequently died; I was able to say goodbye to her in the hospital just before they removed her life support. Hers was the first death that felt truly close at hand. Then, I had a stroke at 25, which connected me to my own mortality and reinforced early on that we get one shot at life.

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 INELDA End-of-Life Doula Training Hollyhock - September 2024

Discovery Call: Becoming and End-of-Life Doula - August 6 Discovery Call: Becoming an End-of-Life Doula

August 6 | TUE 7-8:30pm ET

Learn about INELDA’s end-of-life doula training and our approach to supporting the dying and their loved ones. This discovery call is an opportunity to hear about the topics covered during our training and how we facilitate a supportive and experiential learning environment. Calls are open to all. Limited to 200 seats | REGISTER HERE

INELDA DOULA Mentoring - Peer and Affinity Group - August 7 Doula Mentoring – Peer & Affinity Group

August 7 | WED 7-8:30pm ET

INELDA’s Mentoring Groups are educator-facilitated, open discussion about working with dying people and their loved ones. This group is open and available at no additional cost to those who have completed INELDA’s training and are current Tier 2 and Tier 3 members. Join in for an opportunity to hear from each other, encourage each other, support each other, and learn from each other. | REGISTER HERE

INELDA Community Meetup - August 8 Community Meetup:

Remembering and Acknowledging Practice

August 8 | THU 8-9pm ET

Join this month’s meetup in a remembering and acknowledgment practice led by INELDA-trained doula Kim Stravers. Get to know others in your INELDA doula community through small member groups, introductions to new tools and approaches, and shared stories. Our hour together will include a welcome ritual, interactive activities in breakout rooms for sharing, and collective reflection, so come ready to engage. Community meetup events are available to all INELDA members. Become a member | REGISTER HERE

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Media of the Month - Daughterhood the Podcast
Daughterhood the Podcast

Hosted by Rosanne Corcoran

Each month, Rosanne Corcoran, creator and host of Daughterhood the Podcast, interviews experts in the field of caregiving. Topics range from dealing with dementia behaviors to siblings and caregiving to end-of-life care, grief, and everything in between. Rosanne carries her authenticity and caregiving experience into each interview. Along with strategies and resources, this podcast also provides listeners with the comfort of knowing they are not facing these challenges alone.

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Coming Together: A Training at Omega Institute
by Loren Talbot

INELDA returned to the Omega Institute for a five-day training on its beautiful Hudson Valley campus in New York. The week was led by educator Wilka Roig, who brought together 74 individuals from around the country and world—each carrying their unique experiences—to explore their mortality and learn how to support others at the end of life.

Coming Together: A Training at Omega Institute

We were excited to be back in this welcoming environment for a second year. Omega was founded in 1977 and is a nonprofit, donor-supported, educational organization at the forefront of holistic studies. The institute is located on more than 250 acres and puts forth a wide variety of workshops, retreats, conferences, and professional trainings.

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We are happy to announce that in August, we will begin offering two free discovery calls focused on becoming an end-of-life doula. The calls will be led by INELDA educators and will give participants an opportunity to hear about training with INELDA, ask questions, and experience activities that mimic the feel of what our end-of-life doula training is like. READ MORE

You can view and register for upcoming discovery calls HERE.

INELDA Update - Volunteer Opportunities with INELDA


INELDA is seeking on-site training volunteers to assist with facilitating our in-person trainings through the remainder of 2024. All are welcome to volunteer; however, if you have attended a training online in the past, this will be an opportunity to experience our training in-person while helping the educators teach the curriculum to others who are new to the experience. We would love to connect with you. READ MORE


We would like to congratulate three individuals on becoming INELDA-certified end-of-life doulas this month.

  • Nikki SmithColumbus, OH
  • Jaclyn Hauer Reynolds, IL
  • Marian HarnishLancaster, PA


INELDA UPDATE - Congratulations Dr. Devin Guthrie

The Team Conference brings together colleagues in hospice and palliative care to explore best practices that enhance the specialty and improve patient and caregiver outcomes. READ MORE and REGISTER

  • Educator Omni Kitts Ferrara is joining INELDA as the newly formed position of Director of Eduction.

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Monthly Webinar
Snapshots of Self: The Art and Science of Autobiographical Memory
July 31 | WED 7-8:30pm ET

Tomorrow evening, come discover and learn about autobiographical memory with Charlie Greene and Dr. Brian Levine. Together, we will explore how memories work and discuss a tool to support those hoping to capture them. Charlie is the founder and CEO of Remento and the company’s flagship product, The Remento Book, which records the memories behind photos, turns those recordings into written stories, then prints the collections into hardcover books, featuring QR codes that link back to the original recordings.

Dr. Levine is an advisor to Remento and a world-class autobiographical memory expert. He is a senior scientist at the Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest Health Sciences and the author of the book Mind and the Frontal Lobes: Cognition, Behavior, and Brain Imaging. Dr. Levine has dedicated his life to the function and dysfunction of large-scale neural systems as expressed in complex human behaviors.

Guest Speakers -Charlie Greene & Dr. Brian Levine

INELDA’s director of education, doula, and nurse Omni Kitts Ferrara will moderate this dynamic discussion.

Cost: Free with INELDA Tier 2 & 3 Membership | Tier 2 and non-members $15

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Tool Box

For those grieving, remember that your grief is valid, no matter how it manifests. Whether you choose to express it openly or keep it within, your feelings are important and deserve acknowledgment. Grief can be awkward and unpredictable, but how you navigate it is entirely up to you. You are not alone in your journey through grief.

One of the ways that I have cultivated space for those to grieve was by creating Vilomah, a Clubhouse group. Along with PhD candidate Sharon Turnage, LMSW, CASAC-T, I colead with parents who have experienced the loss of a child. We come together to share stories of resilience and growth after loss. Our group offers a safe space for healing and connection via a virtual club that allows people to drop in and talk.

Janaris Lambright, HeartMath® certified trainer

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National Home Funeral Alliance

The National Home Funeral Alliance is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, all-volunteer organization that is the leading body of home after-death care support and education in the United States, with support abroad as well. Created in 2010, the NHFA boasts members from all 50 states, along with five provinces and seven countries.

Sharing Sources - National Home Funeral Alliance

Many members are home funeral guides who also identify as licensed funeral directors, ordained ministers, educators, body workers, licensed social workers, registered nurses, therapists and counselors, directors of nonprofits, attorneys, and physicians.

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Ask INELDA Image - Eucalyptus Branch

Is there a space to offer resources in this work? —Training participant

Educator Wilka Roig: We exist in a culture of death denial. While we are on this journey, we are ambassadors. Within this cultural context it is a revolution to dare to connect to something that is inherently ours. We are all experts when we allow ourselves to know what we know. To realize how much we know. To make conscious what we know. When we do so in community, we are so liberated and immediately connected with each other. In this commitment to this training, you are already doing that work. We have the freedom to have our own experience and truth about it.


You have a voice to educate, and that is…in this work. You can do talks at the library, write articles for publications, invite people to conversations—let’s learn from one another. You can create spaces that are more structured by offering talks on signs and symptoms with your community or by discussing the role of death doulas. READ MORE

Please submit questions to [email protected]
Self-Care - Finding the Care We Each Need


Finding the Care We Each Need

Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you’re living?

—Bob Marley

This morning I had a conversation about being a death doula with someone in a tangential field. She exclaimed, “Self-care—you can’t do your work without self-care.” And it is true. I’d also like to suggest that we can’t “do life” without self-care. For those of us in the many fields devoted to supporting one another, the self-care piece is essential.

So how do you “do self-care”? My breakfast buddy shared that her self-care is a monthly two-hour bubble bath, because that was what she had the time for. And I honor that. At the same table was another individual, new to the deathcare field, who asked what works for me. I proceeded to tell her about my routine for hospice visits. On the drive up, it’s me and Bob Marley, and then on the way back I always stop at a market for fresh vegetables and fruits. Something about life-affirming nutrition balances me post-hospice visit. READ MORE

—Loren Talbot

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News Briefs

Study Reports on Preferred Places to Die
A recent study in the BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care journal investigated bereaved family members’ associations regarding the quality of care in the places the dying person received  end-of-life care. The study concluded that home was the most preferred place for end-of-life care and death. READ MORE  News Brief - Study Reports on Preferred Places to Die
C-TAC Makes Recommendations for Medicare and Medicaid Payment
The Coalition to Transform Advanced Care (C-TAC, which INELDA is a member of) recently made recommendations to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) regarding its proposed 2025 hospice and skilled nursing facility rules. C-TAC requested information on the payment mechanism for high-intensity palliative care services. READ MORE
News Brief 3 - Gen X Cancer Rates Higher Than Parents
Gen X Cancer Rates Higher Than Parents
Science News reported a JAMA Network Open study that Generation X, those born from 1965 through 1980, are more likely to receive a diagnosis of cancer than their parents. Researchers Philip Rosenberg and Adalberto Miranda-Filho gathered data from 3.8 million people diagnosed with invasive cancers. READ MORE 

The Final Word

A Week from which Beauty has been Erased
Originally published in Star 82 Review 
by S. Preston Duncan


Days don’t make sense so I’ve been counting showers. There’s fewer of them.

It’s been four showers which I’m told is a week but I’ve always been distrustful

of consensus. Everyone agreed upon the bedroom, the bags of ice and shivering

wet embraces, the flowers on the floor. Everyone agrees a week has gone by but

it hasn’t gone anywhere at all.

Open Book Image


Accessible, Equitable, and Compassionate Deathcare

© INELDA 2024 International End-of-Life Doula Association is a
501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization
Tax ID#: 47-3023741

Email us: [email protected]Phone: 201-540-9049


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