The Warmest Spring
by Jeri Glatter
The INELDA team (all six of us) gathered together during what has been identified as the warmest spring—at least in the northeast. During our team meeting, the temperature jumped to the mid 70’s announcing that the growing season had arrived—defying the page on the calendar.
Just as the springtime bulbs are beginning new growth, so are we. Our conversations over our three-day gathering were rich, deep, lively, and inspired as we nurtured the seeds of new ideas, possibilities, and expansion. From our vantage point, the development of our work with the dying is far reaching—and we feel as though we have only just begun! Henry, Janie, Kris, Shelby, Nicole and I spent time discussing new offerings that we would like to create: new trainings & classes, intensive one-day workshops, an annual retreat, and new products. In addition, we are invigorated by the tremendous interest and growth in private doula practices and all of the variations of that work, recognizing that there are ancillary areas of connected needs. The INELDA think tank was bursting with ideas!
Part of our vision and planning is to serve communities who cannot afford end of life doula services, and to teach those communities to help each other through the end of life process. Our goal is that all people, of all ethnicities, religions and beliefs can and should benefit from our support. We recognize that this effort may be best accomplished by empowering these communities to partner with us, and we will be making outreach towards that outcome.
We hope that you will continue to accompany us on this journey as we move forward together towards a brighter future for the end of life movement. This month, our Newsletter Article embarks upon recognizing the power of guided imagery—as we simultaneously visualize our future.