Recorded: January 2017
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Henry Fersko-Weiss – INELDA Executive Director
Janie Rakow – INELDA President
This webinar focuses on pain in the dying. Presented by Henry Fersko-Weiss, INELDA Executive Director, this hour-long session will consider the prevalence of pain at the end of life; the contributing factors beyond the physical; how it is assessed, particularly when the person can’t report directly about their pain; and the information doulas should be aware of about the common medical treatment of pain with opioids.
Pain is certainly the most feared and distressing of symptoms at the end of life. It occurs to some degree in 50-60% of all terminal illnesses. And sometimes that pain can be so intense that it is hard to manage with the typical medications health professionals usually employ. Pain affects the quality of life, leads to depression, anxiety, and fear, and it makes it much harder for the suffering person to relate to family and friends.
Henry will focus mainly on the use of non-medical approaches that doulas can employ, with particular attention to guided imagery designed specifically to treat pain. But Henry will also discuss other approaches, such as aromatherapy, light healing touch, music, meditation, prayer, acupuncture, and pet therapy. Many of these alternative approaches affect the emotional and spiritual well being in a way that has a direct impact on physical pain. Please join us for this very important topic.