Online and In-Person Trainings | View Schedules Here


Attractive young woman working on laptop at homeSCHOLARSHIPS

INELDA is committed to addressing the consequences of systemic societal oppression. We acknowledge that communities of color, immigrants, disabled persons, and LGBTQIA2S+ persons face systemic discrimination to access information about end-of-life services, how these services are provided, as well as to practitioners in the field. We also acknowledge that many people wish to be served by individuals from their own communities (however the individual defines that), and that end-of-life practitioners, including doulas, do not reflect the diversity of the population.

To address these inequities, INELDA has prioritized, as a central goal, making our end-of-life (EOL) doula programming as accessible as possible for people who may not be able to afford it, but who are committed to serving the dying in their own underserved communities. Our scholarship programs were created to support this commitment. 


  • Demonstrated financial need
  • Member of one or more of the following communities
    • BIPOC
    • LGBTQIA2S+
    • Persons living with a disability
    • Veteran
    • Low-income or Underserved
  • Commitment to furthering social justice in their EOL doula work 
  • Pledge to serve as an EOL doula in their community
  • A letter of reference is required and may be obtained from past clients/care recipients, past or current professional supervisors or colleagues, volunteer supervisors/coordinators, educators/instructors, community leaders, advocates, or mentors. The letter should include:

      • Date
      • Name and title of the person who is recommending you
      • Your connection to the person writing the recommendation
      • Information on why you are qualified for the scholarship program
      • Specific skills, anecdotes, or qualities that will support your scholarship application and doula training


Type of Scholarship Full Price Awardee Responsibility Applications Accepted
EOL Doula Training Online $895 Based on need Announced Dates Only
Doula Certification $330 $150 Rolling Basis

We are accepting applications for our November 2024 online and in-person trainings now until September 30, 2024.

All scholarship applicants will be notified on or by October 7, 2024.

Please note all November scholarships must be redeemed by October 18, 2024.

We are now accepting applications for November scholarships!

Completion of INELDA’s EOL Doula Training does not result in certification. Certification is a separate process that an individual engages in after successfully completing the training.

  • If you already received an INELDA Training scholarship, and you now want a Doula Certification scholarship, you need only complete the application form.
  • Please note that $75 of the Awardee Responsibility for Certification is due when completing the Certification Application. The balance of $75 is due before submitting your second case study.
  • INELDA offers Training and Certification scholarship awardees the opportunity to purchase a one-year, discounted membership in INELDA for $25 (full cost $110). Go to the membership page for more information about membership benefits.


Yes, we have a two payment plan option for scholarships that requires a first time payment of $350. Please email [email protected] for more information along with the training dates you have chosen.