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Jump Into INELDA’S Summer Learning Series

by Jamie Eaddy Chism and Cloud Conrad

The Summer Learning Series was developed with your feedback in mind. Based on responses to a spring survey to learn what topics were most important to you, we’ve created a full catalog of learning experiences to support your continued growth as an end-of-life doula, caregiver, or care partner. Offerings include doula training, continued learning classes, and the first in a portfolio of one-session workshops—all offered online so that you can learn in an environment that’s comfortable for you. And the summer classes are offered in weekday, weekend, combo, and immersive models to fit a variety of scheduling needs. 


Dementia-Specific Learning (NEW)

During most of our end-of-life doula trainings, how to care for clients with dementia is mentioned. Doula-ing Dementia expands on the conversation. The class focuses on the ways in which a doula’s work changes if the person dying has dementia. This course teaches participants how to attend to those with dementia who are dying, and to their loved ones. Participants are required to have completed an end-of-life doula training; however, we welcome those doulas who have received their training from organizations other than INELDA. This course will be facilitated by INELDA educator Marady Duran and director of marketing Cloud Conrad, a certified dementia caregiver trainer who works with professional and family caregivers. The class meets for a total of 12 hours over four sessions, all in a live learning online format, and is offered in both July and September.


End-of-Life Doula Refresher Course (NEW) 

A lot has changed as our end-of-life doula training evolves! Going Deeper doula training has been created specifically to update INELDA-trained doulas who completed their training prior to the fall of 2021, but this course is open to anyone wanting to experience our most current training curriculum. Participants will benefit from new content, learning formats, and exercises designed to complement and update the training you received in the past. It is a prerequisite that participants have completed end-of-life doula training; however, we welcome those doulas who have received their training from organizations other than INELDA. Those who did complete their initial end-of-life doula training through INELDA will also receive a digital copy of our current manual. Going Deeper will be facilitated by seasoned INELDA educators Nicole Heidbreder, Shelby Kirillin, Kris Kington-Barker,  and Dr. Jamie Eaddy Chism. This course is a nine-hour online training over three sessions. The class will be held in June, July, and August.


Short-Form Workshops (NEW)

INELDA’s portfolio of short-form workshops launches with Mapping Emotions, a 90-minute single-session workshop featuring the powerful Mapping Emotions activity we use in our end-of-life doula training and Care Partners Classes. Mapping Emotions provides powerful insights into any emotion you want to work through, not just grief. This workshop is for anyone who wants practice discerning, processing, and managing emotions for better balance and well-being. The workshop is facilitated by director of program development Dr. Jamie Eaddy Chism and Wilka Roig, a transpersonal psychologist devoted to the evolution of our loss, grief, and end-of-life culture. The workshop will be held in June and August.


End-of-Life Doula Training

We are pleased to offer End-of-Life Doula Training seven different times this summer, in weekday and weekend formats designed to suit any participant’s schedule. This is INELDA’s flagship offering. To date we have trained over 4,600 doulas with this coursework. Learn how to use powerful doula tools as an end-of-life care practitioner providing compassionate support and cultural humility in the nonmedical aspects of dying. This training includes over 25 hours of live online learning, and nursing contact hours are available. June, July, and August dates are offered. And because we know scheduling can sometimes be difficult, INELDA is introducing a special EOLD intensive for the first 20 participants to enroll, offered July 22–24 and facilitated by Dr. Jamie Eaddy Chism, INELDA’s director of program development. The intensive course will focus on the foundational doula principles and helping learners develop cultural humility while exploring inequities in death care. Educators for this course may include Marady Duran, Garrett Drew Ellis, Nicole Heidbreder, Shelby Kirillin, Kris Kington-Barker, Claudette Peterson, Wilka Roig, and Valoria Walker.


Care Partners Support Training 

This class is for those learners who seek information about how to be a supportive and confident care partner to a family member or loved one. In Care Partners, learners will examine some of the tools we train doulas to use, but in the context of intimate relationships rather than the professional dynamics surrounding end-of-life doulas’ relationship to their clients. This class meets online for 12 hours, over four sessions. In addition to Dr. Jamie Eaddy Chism, the educators for this course include Claudette Peterson, Valoria Walker, Garrett Drew Ellis, Marady Duran, and/or Nicole Heidbreder. The class will be held in June and August.


Building a Doula Business 

Our Business Development Class picks up where the End-of-Life Doula Training course ends, teaching best practices to launch your end-of-life doula practice and begin doing the work. This self-paced streaming course can support those doulas seeking to work for themselves or in a for-profit collective. Those who enroll will have lifetime access to the course, which will be updated from time to time. 

Won’t you join us this summer? Enroll in an INELDA class, workshop, or training and benefit from our top-tier instruction and learning experience. See you in class!

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