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INELDA Articles

Evaluating 2017 And Looking Ahead to 2018

As the year comes to a close it’s a good time to reflect on what has happened during 2017. INELDA has made some very important strides this year. For one thing, through our public trainings we trained over twice as many doulas in 2017 as we did the previous year—that amounts to over 470 people. The previous year we had trained just a little over 200 people. In 2018 we hope to greatly increase that number again through at least 50% more trainings.


In 2017 we also trained just a little under 200 people in the doula programs we helped establish at various hospices and facilities, including our first overseas training at Assisi Hospice in Singapore. Early in 2017 we also trained a group of 24 men for free at the California Men’s Colony prison in San Luis Obispo, California.


For 2018 we already have commitments to train at a number of hospices and hospitals, including multiple trainings at Englewood Hospital in New Jersey, where we are building a doula program for them. We also hope to do more pro bono work in 2018 with prisoners and veterans.


In 2017 we also established the very first Doula Directory for end of life doulas that is searchable by zip codes in the U.S. and by state, city, or country. All of the doulas in the directory are trained by INELDA and most are either in the process of becoming certified through us or have already become certified. In 2018 we expect a great many more of our doulas will join the directory and dramatically expand the ability of people to find doulas when they need them.


The Doula Directory was part of our effort to completely redesign our website. While it has taken us a great deal of time to accomplish this, we expect the work to be done by the end of the year. You may not notice the final changes we are making, but once finished the internal engine behind our website will make it much easier for you to sign up for courses we offer, join the INELDA family, and take advantage of our resources—including every other month webinars that are free to our members.


The last change in 2017 that I would like to highlight is the addition of three more trainers. So now, with Janie, and Jeri, and myself, we have six trainers. The new additions are Kris Kington-Barker, Shelby Kirillin, and Nicole Heibreder. In a few weeks, when we complete the website, you will be able to read about their backgrounds and see their pictures on our About page.


Having all of these trainers will allow us to deliver more courses starting in 2018. The first new additions will be a one-day course on developing a private doula practice and an in-depth, experiential class on working with guided imagery. These two new classes will run one day after another, allowing people to take either one or both. The first of these dual offerings will occur in April. Please check our website in late January to get details. Periodically, next year you may find other announcements about new programs or other offerings. So, stay tuned.


Finally, we here at INELDA would like to thank you for following our work and for all the ways you may have contributed to the advancement of this field. We all work very hard to deliver the best in doula classes and value your support. This has been a great year. Let’s make next year even better by spreading the word about end of life doulas and INELDA. If you haven’t already done so, make 2018 the year you become a member of INELDA, make a donation, or take a class. Thank you!