An Inspired Legacy03.10.2016
Sometimes the vigil for a dying person begins before the lead doula has had a chance to help...
Picking Up Momentum01.12.2016
We hope that 2016 will be a year of great growth and increased exposure for the International...
The Impact of New Hospice Reimbursement Rates in 201601.12.2016
As of January 1, 2016 Medicare is reimbursing hospices differently for routine home care, which...
First Vigil, First Death By an End-of-life Doula10.13.2015
A few years before I trained to be an end-of-life doula, I lost both my best friend and my mother...
What is an End-of-life Doula?10.08.2015
Entering the room of a dying person in the final days or hours is a heartfelt moment. As an...
Returning Sacredness to Dying, Part One08.21.2015
We are so conditioned to fear death and push it away that we disengage from our loved...