Home > Get Involved > Become an INELDA Member
Join us! Our membership is for all who want to support normalizing death, dying, and grief. INELDA’s tiered-member program allows you to interface with the community at what level best suits your goals and finances.
INELDA creates ongoing opportunities for members including monthly webinars, educational discounts, mentoring groups, an emotional support center for INELDA-trained doulas, partner program offers, support of advocacy and pro bono work, and a listing on the INELDA directory for doulas who have trained with us.
INELDA-trained doulas carry knowledge and respect into the communities they work with to support the dying and their end-of-life choices. By becoming an INELDA member we welcome you to expand that knowledge and make new connections with doulas and others doing deathcare work. We look forward to being in community with you.
As a non-profit, your membership dollars go to creating more opportunities for learners to expand their skills and explore personal deeper meaning. We work to build alliances to support research and policies for equitable deathcare; partner with care facilities and other institutions to address gaps in end-of-life care; and are dedicated to pro bono education for those working with the unhoused and incarcerated.
For any questions regarding membership, reach out to [email protected]
The Business Development Class is not currently offered.
We are currently unable to offer our membership discounts on in-person trainings in partnerships with retreat centers.

Member Benefit
Member Benefit

Member Benefit
Member Benefit

Member Benefit
Member Benefit

Member Benefit
Member Benefit

Member Benefit
Member Benefit

Member Benefit
Member Benefit
*Log into your INELDA Account to view member discount codes and information how to redeem benefits. Member Benefits > Program Partner Offers
Please see the chart above to learn about discounts on trainings, workshops, and classes. Each tier offers different discounts. If you are unable to afford our trainings, please see the scholarship page to learn more about the application process.
Members now receive a host of benefits. Please see member benefit partners and offerings. We also plan to offer a few live member events and specially created content in 2023.
Members now receive a host of benefits. Please see member benefit partners and offerings. We also plan to offer a few live member events and specially created content in 2023.
The member-only webinars occur once a month and last for 90 minutes.
At this time we, we are not setup for automatic renewal. Please contact [email protected] if you would like to be added to our auto-renewal program once it is rolled out.
Please reach out to Janine Cuthbertson at [email protected] We look forward to addressing any and all questions!