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Community of Practice

Welcome to our new 2025 offering!

INELDA’s Community of Practice is a space for continued practice after completion of the end-of-life doula training.  We come together monthly for an hour-and-a-half of facilitated learning around INELDA Doula Approach scenarios. 

What is Community of Practice?

Proficiency is an ongoing process. After taking our end-of-life doula training, it can help to have some additional practice space as you step into your role as doula. A community of practice is a network of people who are connected by a shared commonality that come together to develop and share their knowledge for the benefit of both themselves and the greater group. At INELDA, we feel that learning is a living curriculum in which we all bring lived experience to the conversation for communal growth. 


 We will meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, from 7–8:30 PM (ET)

A calendar of upcoming mentoring sessions is available at the bottom of this page.

Who can join?

This group is offered to all doulas who have trained in our INELDA Doula Approach curriculum launched July 2024. If you have studied with us prior, we invite you to take our end-of-life doula training for $225 with a membership to learn our updated approach. Please email us to enroll.


What to expect…

This group offers a monthly learning structure led by an INELDA educator and an educator assistant. After connecting with each other, we will briefly review the INELDA Doula Approach, and then the educator will offer a case study for the group to consider and discuss. After processing the example together, doulas will be able to share a few personal scenarios for the group to move through the INELDA Doula Approach collectively.

NEW in 2025!

Group meets the 2nd Monday of each month, from 7–8:30 PM (ET)

Group meets the 2nd Monday of each month, from 7–8:30 PM (ET)

Our BIPOC Mentoring Groups will begin meeting on a new schedule in 2025. Please check back for the updated registration form in December.

INELDA’s BIPOC Peer Mentoring is for those who identify as Black, Indigenous, or as a Person of Color and also has completed INELDA’s end-of-life doula training.

This group offers participants a safe listening space to connect and to cultivate conversations that are specific to the needs of doulas within the BIPOC community. 

To register for this group and to join the monthly Zoom meeting reminders, check back mid- December for the updated registration form and details on the group format.

*by registering for this group, you will receive a reminder email the day of the event

Summary of Community of Practice Requirements:

INELDA’s PRIDE Mentoring | Peer & Affinity Group is an educator-facilitated, open discussion about working with dying people and their loved ones. 

This group offers participants a safe listening space to connect and to cultivate conversations that are specific to the needs of doulas within the LGBTQIA2S+ community. 

The PRIDE group is open and available at no additional cost to those that have completed INELDA’s training and are current Tier 2 and Tier 3 INELDA-trained members. (At this time, this group does not include allies.)

We will begin a new process for PRIDE mentoring in 2025.


wed09apr7:00 pm8:30 pmCommunity of Practice | 7PM — 830PMEvery Month - 2nd WednesdayEvent Type :Community of Practice


wed14may7:00 pm8:30 pmCommunity of Practice | 7PM — 830PMEvery Month - 2nd WednesdayEvent Type :Community of Practice


wed11jun7:00 pm8:30 pmCommunity of Practice | 7PM — 830PMEvery Month - 2nd WednesdayEvent Type :Community of Practice


wed09jul7:00 pm8:30 pmCommunity of Practice | 7PM — 830PMEvery Month - 2nd WednesdayEvent Type :Community of Practice

INELDA’s end-of-life doula Mentoring Peer & Affinity Groups are spaces for mutual support and sharing. INELDA-trained doula groups come together regularly for an hour-and-a-half conversation to explore the specific needs of doulas and clients.

Whether you are actively serving as a doula, haven’t had a client yet—but want to—or have been volunteering within care facilities, we invite you to join this gathering. We will spend our time together discussing creative ways to find and work with clients, address any current needs you may have, look at ways to deepen our learning, and explore how to bring this important work to others.

Connect and collaborate with other end-of-life doulas for networking, idea exchange, and conversations. Learn how to create a space where end-of-life care meets the needs of the dying where they are.

Somewhat structured and somewhat spontaneous, each meeting will allow us time to explore topics relevant to participants, while connecting with our doula community. These groups are facilitated by an INELDA educator. A mentoring event calendar is available at the bottom of this page.

Once you register for a group, you’re automatically registered for future meeting events. Although we’d love to have you at every session, we understand that’s not always possible — join us for as many as you’re able.