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INELDA Workshop – Self-Care


Practices for Holistic Wellness

  • COST: This workshop is not currently offered
  • DISCOUNTS: 10% for All Members, 25% for Student or Military *joined or renewed in 2022?
  • SCHOLARSHIPS: Scholarships are not available for this workshop
  • ONLINE WORKSHOP HOURS: 1.5 hours per workshop – live
  • FORMAT: 2 workshops (each 90 min)
  • PREREQUISITE: None, open to all
  • REQUIREMENTS: Internet access, computer or tablet with audio & video capabilities

Self-Care is Self-Preservation

Self-care is an important subject. However, it has become a buzzword, and representations of self-care are sometimes confusing. What constitutes self-care? Manicures, massages, mindfulness, a day off, or solitude? Yes, it can be all those things, but it is much more. It’s about the intentional mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual nurturing of oneself.

Often, those who show up as caregivers, care partners, doulas, and those in other caregiving roles, whether formally or informally, find caring for oneself challenging. Yet, Audre Lorde reminds us, “Caring for myself is not self-indulgent; it is self-preservation…”

How do you navigate and process your emotions – joy, grief, anger, frustration, anxiety, and disappointment as you support others on their grief journey? 


We will uncover ways to integrate self-care theory and practice through educator-led discussion, experiential exercises, intentional reflection, and group discussion. 

Session 1:

Developing a Holistic Approach to Self-Care

This workshop offers an opportunity to reflect, reconnect, rediscover & explore rituals as ways to embody wellness. Join us to create an essential self-care practice for your life.

Session 2:

Somatic Self-Care

This workshop offers an opportunity to explore the connection between our body and emotions and guide participants through movements to promote mind-body connection and well-being. 

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Our growing team of educators draws from decades of work as end-of-life doulas. Their insights and stories from the bedside capture the essence of doula work and inspire attendees to walk with them on the same path. They also have extensive backgrounds in trauma-informed care, nursing, social work, spiritual care, grief, the healing arts, adult education, and hospice administration. Every one of them has also completed or is engaged in, our doula certification process.