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National LGBT Cancer Network

The National LGBT Cancer Network focuses on supporting LGBTQIA+ people who are affected by cancer. It provides resources such as education and advocacy to improve the quality of cancer care for LGBTQIA+ individuals. The organization offers an LGBTQIA+ peer-led cancer support group three times per week via Zoom and hosts a database of LGBTQIA+-friendly cancer care providers across the United States. 

The network works to improve the lives of LGBTQIA+ cancer survivors and those at risk by educating the LGBTQIA+ community about their increased cancer risks and the importance of early detection via routine screenings; training health care providers to offer more culturally competent, safe, and welcoming care; and advocating for expanded focus on LGBTQIA+ communities in mainstream cancer organizations, the media, and research.

It is committed to grounding this work in antiracist and antisexist activities and countering the deleterious social determinants of health which create downstream health disparities.