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Radical Acts of Love

Radical Acts of Love

Created by Jacob Y. Miller and Camila Faraday 

Film Synopsis

Filmed over a three-year period, the film Radical Acts of Love chronicles Linda Folley’s struggle with early-onset Alzheimer’s. The film tells the story of Linda, a master programmer, pilot, scientist, and philanthropist, who was diagnosed with the disease at 52. Stories are woven together with interviews from Linda’s partner and film co-producer Camila Faraday, friends, and family, as well as home movies captured prior to Linda’s diagnosis. This loving tribute directed by Jacob Yana Miller explores the concepts of legacy and identity—impressing the sacred importance of living with grace and dying with dignity.

Jacob Y. Miller was born and raised in Ithaca, New York, and currently lives in Los Angeles, where he tells stories that celebrate the enormous potential of humanity while also shining a necessary light on the darkness of our trying troubled natures. Radical Acts of Love won the Audience Award for Outstanding Documentary at Film Invasion L.A. in 2019.

Camila Faraday was born in Hawthorne, California, the daughter of two factory workers—her father an enameler, and her mother a factory seamstress. She attended the University of California, Santa Barbara in 1974, and 10 years later, earned her bachelor’s degree in nursing at Loma Linda University. She held a long career as a public maternal and child nurse in Ithaca and raised a family with her husband. Camila later fell in love with Linda S. Folley and lovingly walked hand and hand through life with her, up until Linda’s death in spring of 2016. Since Linda’s passing, Camila has dedicated herself to educating the public on the scope of this terrible disease.

The film is meant as a conversation-starter for individuals and communities “to encourage families to engage in advance care planning and to help them start making better-informed decisions for themselves and their families, share our experiences and offering meaning, explore/understand other people’s situations, and see how the characters handle adversity and conflict and to ponder how they themselves would handle a similar situation.” 

View the Trailer

Available to stream on Amazon Prime.