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Thanacare is a patient-centric, doula-led end-of-life care planning platform that empowers doulas to streamline their existing paper-intensive directive process into a modern, digital workflow. Leveraging HIPAA-compliant software, Thanacare enables doulas to seamlessly capture, certify, and share their clients’ healthcare directives and wishes, fostering a more graceful and dignified end-of-life experience for all.

Through its partnership with doulas, Thanacare fulfills its mission to scale a more graceful death for all people. By prioritizing upstream conversations, documentation, and impact between doula and client, Thanacare stands at the forefront of end-of-life care innovation.

From the words of president and chief executive officer, Dr. Michael Madison. “We all want to live, and denial is a very natural human response to death. Denial generally results in a lack of planning, and a lack of planning too often results in a more stressful, less peaceful, and less graceful death. We created Thanacare with the primary goal of improving the end of life process. We believe that with open, honest dialogue and planning, the end of the life experience can be transformed from one that is stressful and full of anxiety to one that is characterized by peace and grace. Thanacare works tirelessly to ensure that the inevitable death that we all face will be less stressful, and as peaceful as possible.”