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Claudette Peterson

Claudette Peterson
West Fargo, ND

I started life as an Air Force “brat” and then became an Air Force wife. I have enjoyed careers as a computer programmer and university professor, but I have always served as a volunteer. I began working with people at end of life in the 1980s – specifically people with HIV/AIDS. In addition to my work with an AIDS service organization, I have been a hospice volunteer in Texas and in North Dakota.

I believe that it is a sacred time when a new life enters this world, and also when a life leaves this world. This led me to complete the INELDA training in 2020, and I was thrilled to join the cadre of INELDA educators in 2021. I work with a wonderful, caring group of people at INELDA, and I am impressed with INELDA’s work to incorporate diversity and inclusion.

I love spending time with my husband, Tim. Our daughter Zoey who was born in England, makes her home in Vancouver, BC. I love reading, knitting, and cuddling with cats. Full disclosure: during the pandemic isolation I binged-watched British shows on Netflix helping me pass the time.