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Janine Cuthbertson

Janine Cuthbertson
Member Program Coordinator
Maui, Hawaii

Embracing my grief after my father died in 2018, books on the subject of dying brought me comfort. Caring for the Dying by Henry Fersko-Weiss spoke to my personal caregiving experience with my father and led me to discover INELDA. I felt a kindred spirit in the organization, attending webinars and workshops, meeting others who also felt this unique and sacred calling to support people at end-of-life. In 2023, I followed my curiosity to serve in the role of doula and trained with INELDA. Today, I volunteer within the community through my local hospice on my island home of Maui.

In the decade before my father passed, I dedicated my career and passion to building engaged online communities for mothers to connect, inform, support and inspire one another. As a new mom it was such a gift to be a member of a supportive and inspiring mothering community. I want to help foster an equivalent in end-of-life care so others can also receive that gift. I am honored to be a part of this team in support of all our members.

My husband and I love adventure and have called 11 zip codes home across the US from big cities to snowy mountain towns to beach communities. We have two daughters and are embracing becoming “bird-launchers” instead of empty-nesters. You’ll always find a golden retriever or two in our home, and racks for outdoor gear on our cars. My family is my why and swimming in the ocean feeds my soul.

Contact me at [email protected]