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Jason Callahan

Jason Callahan
Richmond, VA

I am a story teller. In early childhood I became acquainted with death through the losses of many of my loved ones. It fascinated me and I always wondered why it seemed to exist on the outskirts of societal life. That curiosity persisted beyond my initial career and led me into becoming a professional chaplain specializing in end of life spiritual support. After a decade doing this within a medical system, I decided the best way for me to support others is by sharing knowledge and experience with those that seek to be present with and hold the stories of others experiencing this sacred time in their lives.

I completed my INELDA training in 2022 and have used it to enhance the care I provide to those inside and outside of the medical system. When I’m not supporting others in their education or end of life experiences, I enjoy boxing, eating, and spending time with my son, Cash.