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Omni Kitts Ferrara

Omni Kitts Ferrara
Director of Education | Educator (she/they)
Rio Rancho, NM

I have spent the majority of my life educating about the body, working to dampen misinformation and disconnection—and encourage animacy and connection. I work as a somatic facilitator on many levels: movement, birth, living, relationships, and death. I facilitate process and hold space for others as they move through the work of living and dying.

I weave paradox back into the binary by just being myself and hope to create spaces where others feel safe to embrace the fullness of who they are. I love to explain the mechanisms of pain, as I view pain as an invitation to be received. I am a RN in a Labor & Delivery Unit and work to provide holistic and equitable care. I also am an INELDA-certified doula and hold the NEDA EOL Doula Proficiency Badge. With INELDA, I am here to empower anyone into the work of death as an auspicious task of being with others and am honored to be a part of this organization and community.