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A Conversation with Amy Wright Glenn — Author, Founder of the Institute for the Study of Birth, Breath, and Death

A CONVERSATION WITH AMY WRIGHT GLENN – Author, Founder of The Institute for the Study of Birth, Breath and Death

Recorded: September 2019

Members Listen HERE

Webinar Speaker:

  • Amy Wright Glenn

Webinar Moderator:

  • Janie Rakow – INELDA President


As death doulas, we hold space for both the dying and the bereaved. Each story we encounter is unique, powerful, and profound. We are welcome into deeply personal, sacred, and intimate spaces as people prepare to cross the mysterious threshold of dying/death. We embrace the grieving and comfort of those mourning.

But what happens when death and birth meet? What happens when death doulas encounter miscarriage, stillbirth, and/or infant loss? Can the skills that bereavement doulas who support families through perinatal loss transfer to the general death doula population?

Join Amy Wright Glenn, author, CD(DONA) birth and INELDA trained death doula, founder of the Institute for the Study of Birth, Breath, and Death, for an inspiring, supportive, and informative webinar on this difficult topic. Amy has trained over 600 birth and mental health professionals on how to more compassionately and confidently hold space for pregnancy loss. In this webinar, you will hear Amy speak about what it means to hold space for bereaved families experiencing pregnancy and/or infant loss. You can ask questions and gather the information needed to embody best care practices when encountering this particular type of complicated and devastating grief.

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