Cari & Richard Leversee
Beyond Touch – A Personal & Professional Discussion — Kris Kington-Barker & Richard Leversee
Recorded: May 2018
Members Listen HERE
Webinar Speakers:
Richard Leversee – Certified hospice massage practitioner and Reiki Master
Kris Kington-Barker – Executive Director of Hospice of San Luis Obispo County
Webinar Moderator:
Janie Rakow – INELDA President
This webinar will be a discussion between Richard Leversee, a certified hospice massage practitioner and Reiki Master, who is also certified in CranioSacral therapy, and Kris Kington-Barker, Executive Director of Hospice of San Luis Obispo County. The focus will be on Richard’s journey through the death of his wife Cari, who died last November, how he approached using touch and massage with her, and what he learned in that process that has refined his thinking on how touch and massage should be approached in the dying process.
While Richard’s wife was dying it became apparent to both of them that massage and touch were the primary ways Cari could arrive at some level of comfort from the symptoms she struggled with. For Richard, this was also one of the principal ways he could express his love. Cari was very clear about how she needed to be touched and massaged. And from that clarity, Richard developed an even deeper understanding.
A powerful personal and professional look at the importance of touch and massage and how we as doulas can bring profound comfort when we approach these twin modalities in a sensitive and thoughtful way.