Home > Webinars > Crucial Knowledge: The Importance of Brain Donation
Crucial Knowledge: The Importance of Brain Donation
Recorded: May 2024
Our April webinar is open to all members as part of membership benefits.

Webinar Moderator:
Shelby Kirillin | INELDA Educator and End-of-Life Doula
Webinar Guest(s):
Tish Hevel | Founder and CEO of The Brain Donor Project
Don Demers | Special Guest

Recorded: May 2024
Our April webinar is open to all members as part of membership benefits.
Webinar Moderator:
Shelby Kirillin | INELDA Educator and End-of-Life Doula
Webinar Guest(s):
Tish Hevel | Founder and CEO of The Brain Donor Project
Don Demers | Special Guest
One out of six people suffers from a neurological disorder or disease. This is what makes the mission of the Brain Donor Project so critical. Donated brain tissue for neurologic study is needed to identify treatments and cures for all kinds of brain disease.
Tish Hevel, CEO and founder of the The Brain Donor Project discusses the need, process, and approach to supporting people seeking to donate this vital organ. After the death of Tish’s father, Gene from Lewy Bodies Dementia, she established the Brain Donor Project to help individuals and loved ones navigate their final wishes. The Brain Donor Project connects potential donors with a brain bank in the NeuroBioBank, a brain bank network that makes brain tissue available to neurologic researchers. The NeuroBioBank is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the primary U.S. agency responsible for biomedical and public health research.
Since 2016, 22,000 people have pre-registered their brain in hope of supporting scientific breakthroughs. Learn more about this process and how doulas can offer support for those looking to make this impactful donation to research. We will also be joined by special guest, Don Demers who will share his family’s personal story and experience with brain donation.
INELDA educator and former neuro-trauma ICU nurse, Shelby Kirillin moderated this informative discussion.
Guest Speaker Bio:
Tish Hevel is the Founder/CEO of the Brain Donor Project, a unique non-profit that exclusively supports the brain banks of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the NeuroBioBank. The Brain Donor Project was established in late 2016 to raise awareness of the critical need for donated brain tissue to advance the science of brain disease and to simplify the process of becoming a brain donor. The Brain Donor Project was inspired by the death of Tish’s dad who died from Lewy Bodies Dementia and was a brain donor himself.
Tish is an Emmy award-winning broadcast journalist who also worked internationally as a PR professional and as chief communication officer for a 44-county region of the American Red Cross.
The recording of this webinar is available to Tier 2 & 3 members as part of their INELDA membership benefits. Tier 1 and Non-members who purchased access to the webinar may also view the recording.
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ALL members can view this webinar as part of the INELDA membership benefits. [Members Register Here]
Non-members can purchase access to attend this webinar for $15 and will receive a link to view the recording following the event.
Tier 2 & 3 members can view this webinar at no cost as part of the INELDA membership benefits.
Tier 1 & Non-members can purchase access to this webinar live for $15 to and will be able to view the recording following the event.
The recording of this September 2023 webinar has been made available to all members as part of your INELDA membership benefits. Non-members who purchased access to this webinar may also view the recording.