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Getting Started: An Interactive Workshop to Build Visibility for Your Doula Work

Getting Started: An Interactive Workshop to Build Visibility for Your Doula Work

Recorded: March 2022

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Webinar Co-Presenters:

  • Cloud Conrad – INELDA Director of Marketing and Communications

  • Jamie Eaddy Chism – INELDA Director of Program Development



Join INELDA directors of program development and marketing, Dr. Jamie Eaddy Chism and Cloud Conrad, for an interactive member workshop.  During this session, we will work on creating your action plan to build visibility, credibility, and contacts – helping connect you to the work. Whether just starting out as a doula or doing this work for some time, participants will walk away with ideas, tools, and best practices to implement right away. To support you during this hands-on workshop, all participants will receive a free worksheet to download prior to the webinar. Workshop includes a digital worksheet to download and use during the session. Join us for an evening of inspiration, ideation, and implementation planning for doula marketing in this season of rebirth.

Bio: Cloud Conrad is a professional and family dementia caregiver trainer, who became curious about end of life experiences and supporting services. She first learned of the end-of-life doula concept during a breakout session led by an INELDA certified doula at the Georgia Gerontology Society Conference in July 2019. She committed to incorporating this training into her own practice and completed the course. When INELDA announced its opening for Director of Marketing and Communications in July 2021, Cloud knew INELDA would be a rewarding opportunity, and has had much to contribute to its mission and vision. Bringing ad agency and in-house marketing and communications experience to INELDA, Cloud leads all things marketing to create more awareness of EOL services and position INELDA as a leading authority on EOL doula service.




Bio: Dr. Jamie Eaddy Chism (she/her), CT, CTP,  is the director of program development for INELDA. She is deeply committed to challenging the societal norms that make death a forbidden topic for so many people, helps cultivate sacred spaces for exploring our mortality. Her work with loss does not center solely on the end of life. Instead, Dr. Chism helps people navigate all kinds of loss, including losing a relationship, identity, normalcy, dreams, hope, etc. Her life’s passion and purpose is providing trauma-informed care, helping heal communities, and dismantling a system that disregards Black life, silences Black grief, and ignores Black death. She is married to Dr. Michael Chism.






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