Home > Webinars > Responding with Ritual: Marking The Year’s Losses
Responding with Ritual: Marking The Year’s Losses
Recorded: December 2024
Please note that due to the Christmas holiday, our webinar schedule for December has been moved to the third week of the month. (This event typically meets on the final Wednesday of the month.)
Our September webinar is open to all INELDA members as part of membership benefits.

Please login to your INEDLA Account to access the recording:
Webinar Hosts:
Kim Stravers | INELDA Educator
Wilka Roig | INELDA Educator
Webinar Guest(s):
Zeyneb Sayilgan, Ph.D. | Institute for Islamic, Christian, and Jewish Studies (ICJS)

Please note that due to the Christmas holiday, our webinar schedule for December has been moved to the third week of the month. (This event typically meets on the final Wednesday of the month.)
Our September webinar is open to all INELDA members as part of membership benefits.
Recorded: December 2024
Please login to your INELDA Account to access the recording:
Webinar Hosts:
Kim Stravers | INELDA Educator
Wilka Roig | INELDA Educator
Webinar Guest(s):
Zeyneb Sayilgan, Ph.D. | Institute for Islamic, Christian, and Jewish Studies (ICJS)
Rituals can serve us during times of transition. They can be passed down from one generation to the next but also be something personal and unique to the individual. As we closed the cycle of 2024 and turned to what lies ahead, we invited guests to gather in community. Together, we created and participated in establishing rituals that addressed our needs and our approach to being and becoming a doula. Educators Kim Stravers and Wilka Roig discussed the importance of ritual, guided us through a grounding practice, and then led us through one of two rituals for the year’s end. Participants had the opportunity to choose between a ritual to process their own internal grief or develop a ritual to acknowledge the loss of someone they supported over the past year.
*This webinar included a conversation about ritual at the beginning of the event, but the majority of the time, participants created rituals in breakout groups with one another and the hosts. The avaialble recording covers the first portion of the conversation as a group.
Kim and Wilka brought the group together to explore the importance of ritual in our lives and how it can be utilized for our own reprocessing. Developing rituals for our doula practices or personal losses can help navigate the grief that may have emerged with the loss you experienced. We also work with the premise that all grief may not be devastating, but that marking a death or loss can be profound.
Guest Speaker Bios:

Kim Stravers, at her core, is an eternal student of the eternal. She’s an aficionado of autonomy while remaining a person who thrives in community and collaboration—and she sees these traits as complementary rather than conflicting. She came to this work late in life, and all she has experienced and everyone she has been before this time has conspired to shape her into the unique presence she brings to this field. She has been a writer, a community organizer, a nonprofit cofounder, the director of a beers and blues festival, and a psychedelic facilitator.
Since her foundational training with INELDA in February 2020, she has undertaken continuing education with several national organizations, including Earth Traditions as a certified death midwife, and InSight as a certified funeral celebrant, as well as with organizations in her own community, completing the Death Comadre curriculum offered by Cihuapactli Collective. She’s a certified proficient death doula and after-death care coordinator with the National End-of-Life Doula Alliance, a member of the Arizona Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, and a volunteer with Hospice of the Valley, Suncrest Hospice and Palliative Care, and the New Song Center for Grieving Children. She has worked as a funeral attendant and celebrant for Dignity Memorial, and she offers healing in community as a founding member of the Patiloni Collective, which brings traditional folk medicine to the Valley of the Sun.
Wilka Roig is a person who has gone through losses, lives with grief, and is going to die. She facilitates support across borders for Spanish-speaking citizens and immigrants, and leads focus groups with pioneers in North, Central, and South America to develop and establish solutions. She is a death activist, death doula, grief worker, and transpersonal psychologist, and she is passionate about birds, stars, wine culture, and confectionary arts.
She is the founder and president of Fundación Elisabeth Kübler-Ross México Centro, the cofounder and academic director of Espacio Formativo para la Integración de la Muerte, and the cofounder and administrator of Red Latinoamericana de Acompañamiento en la Muerte y el Duelo. She trained with INELDA in 2017, and her commitment to INELDA today involves reflecting true international representation, and growing and promoting the EOL doula movement in Latin America and globally.
The recording of this webinar is available to Tier 2 & 3 members as part of their INELDA membership benefits. Tier 1 and Non-members who purchased access to the webinar may also view the recording.
Sign in to your INELDA Account to access a recording of this webinar [CLICK HERE]
ALL members can view this webinar as part of the INELDA membership benefits. [Members Register Here]
Non-members can purchase access to attend this webinar for $15 and will receive a link to view the recording following the event.
Tier 2 & 3 members can view this webinar at no cost as part of the INELDA membership benefits.
Tier 1 & Non-members can purchase live access to this webinar for $15 and will be able to view the recording following the event.
The recording of this September 2023 webinar has been made available to all members as part of your INELDA membership benefits. Non-members who purchased access to this webinar may also view the recording.
Sign in to your INELDA Account to access a recording of this webinar [CLICK HERE]