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Setting the Room for BIPOC End-of-Life Care

Setting the Room for BIPOC End-of-Life Care

Recorded: November 2023

Webinar Moderator:
  • Wilka Roig | INELDA Educator and End-of-Life Doula
Webinar Guest:
  • Joél S. Maldonado | The Grave Woman

Recorded: November 2023

Our April webinar is open to all annual and tier members as part of membership benefits.
Webinar Moderator:
  • Wilka Roig | INELDA Educator and End-of-Life Doula
Webinar Guest:
  • Joél S. Maldonado | The Grave Woman

Imagine…if you can…sitting bedside to someone you love, care, and respect as they are transitioning from this realm. What does that room look, feel, smell, sound and even taste like? Is it reflective of the cultural, spiritual, and personal essence that reflects the life, beliefs and journey of the person you know and love? Is their care personalized and unique to their values? Does this sacred portal hold space for the care, rituals and ceremony of the person in transition? Sadly, for many BIPOC patients, families, and communities this room and care received within it has been colonized and is absent and sterile of any reflection of personal connection. How can we as end-of-life and death professionals show up and fill the gaps in this room with love, honor, and educate those who will fill it to do the same?

Discover an end-of-life approach with Joél Simone Maldonado (aka The Grave Woman) that culturally reflects the dying person’s wishes and needs.

Moderated by INELDA educator and end-of-life doula Wilka Roig, we explore sitting bedside with a dying person the required attention and focus to the cultural, spiritual, and personal essence of that person.

Guest Speaker Bio:

Joél Simone Maldonado is the founder of The Black Death, Grief, and Cultural Care Academy (BDGCCA) dedicated to honoring, preserving, and sharing Black end of life, death, and grief care, ceremony, rituals and culture through education and empowerment that improves the care that Black and Indigenous patients, deceased and communities receive.

She is a licensed funeral director, insurance agent and sacred grief practitioner who specializes in helping guide individuals, families, businesses and governmental agencies navigate uncomfortable and difficult conversations about death, dying, end of life, funeral and burial planning. 

She was born in Europe and raised in Beaufort, South Carolina, the heart of Gullah and Geechee culture. Spirituality, the sacredness of death, caring for those in transition, the deceased and supporting her community through grief have always been a huge part of her life. Her professional approach is deeply rooted in ancient and ancestral wisdom passed down generation to generation.

During her decade of service in the funeral service industry, she has fashioned her unique background and professional experiences into a caliber and style of care and comfort that guides those that I serve toward healing through  journeys with grief.

It is her life’s work to educate everyone—regardless of faith, race, age, or status—that death, dying and grief are sacred and transformative to our journeys as human beings.

The recording of this webinar is available to Tier 2 & 3 members as part of  their INELDA membership benefitsTier 1 and Non-members who purchased access to the webinar may also view the recording.

To view a recording of this webinar [CLICK HERE]

Tier 2 & 3 members can view this webinar at no cost as part of the INELDA membership benefits.

Tier 1 & Non-members can purchase access to this webinar live for $15 to and will be able to view the recording following the event.